Mapping access to sport for people with disabilities

The European Commission has set up a studio to promote the best practices for the opportunity of private participation of persons with disabilities to be organized in any sport. It is estimated that there are only 80 million people with disability in the European Union (EU), about 15% of the EU's population. Persons with disabilities may have probability to participate in sport, taking into account all non-disabled persons, such as the number and participation benefits of participation.

This report provides information on the participation of people with disabilities in sport - to include the individual, social and environmental barriers that require different participation in sport for disabled people. Special opportunities and financial resources, in particular as an ubiquitous structure in the form of a more appropriate professional staff in a format, can provide all the people with the same tools to participate in sport.

The studio will also analyze the main principles of sport participation for people with disabilities: staff health, individual development and social benefits, with the result of a community leader leading to the promotion of sport opportunities for people with disabilities. The EU is a company of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which provides for the Commission and the Member States to take measures to facilitate the inclusion of sport, in particular to address people with disabilities of common interest. of parity with other activities in recreational, recreational and sporting activities. Reports such as those fundamental to the creation of an environment in all of them, notably from disability, abolition of participation of participants.
