
"Bring Back The Mile"

"Bring Back The Mile"
"Bring Back The Mile"


Kerry, Munster, Ireland

CARA Centre

Average between 2000-2500 participants per event

The CARA APA Centre works at a strategic level to influence and support policies and programmes of agencies involved in the provision of sport, physical activity and physical education for people with disabilities. This is achieved through the following:
Increasing the number of opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in sport and physical activity.
Providing information and support to people with disabilities whose aim is to achieve their optimum level of performance. Advocating for the inclusion of people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education. Supporting and influencing organisations involved in the provision of sport and physical activity to be more inclusive. Developing and facilitating programmes to provide a range of training opportunities to professionals working within the sport, physical activity and physical education delivery systems. Providing support, advice and information to enhance access for people with disabilities to participate. Assisting with the developments of both local and national sport and physical activity strategies to encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities in sport and physical activity.

Highlighted as a good practice:
Creating separate event for specific target groups, such as people with disabilities can improve their access to sport and physical activity. Unfortunately, not sport activities in Europe are yet adapted for those target groups and sometimes lack of information which sport they can join and which not can be stressful. In those specific events, they can receive information about what they can participate in. Can be organized by organization or municipality.

Profesija: Studentas

Vieta: Miestas, Mažas kaimas

Amžius: Vaikas , Jaunimas