
Active learning for children in school

Active learning for children in school
Active learning for children in school


Various schools across Europe


Over 2000 participants per event

The project encourages children to reflect on different lifestyle choices in relation to physical activity, stress management and overall wellbeing to deliver long-term positive impacts. The project combines fun-orientated exercise classes with educational material on lifestyle issues, supported by a methodology that not only provides information, but also teaches key life skills such as critical thought, goal-setting and self-analysis. This way, young people are empowered to make and implement their own lifestyle choices. The aim of ALCIS is to encourage children, their relatives and friends to lead healthy and active lives.

Highlighted as a good practice:
Using sport as educational tool is one of the best methodologies that we can implement. Those events make kids move, but also make them think and reflect the world around them and shows the ways to become better persons. Events like this can be organized at regular basis in all schools and educational institutions across Europe.

Profesija: Studentas

Vieta: Miestas, Mažas kaimas

Amžius: Vaikas