
National Sports Day Be CROactive

National Sports Day Be CROactive
National Sports Day Be CROactive


Bundek Park, Zagreb, Croatia

Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

10 000

Google: The main event of the campaign was European Sport on the Croatian National Sports Days, this name is BE CROactive (Behind CROaktivan). The national sport day was held on 12th of September in Zagreb, in Croatia's capital. The event took place at the most popular venue in Zagreb, Bundek Park. The children were waiting for a lot of programs and they could try several types of sports and exercise (children’s corner for the smaller kids, introduced to various sports clubs and state sports clubs). They could also try less popular sports such as zumba, piates, yoga, free climbing. But it was also possible to participate in basketball, tennis and football competitions for all ages, including the elderly people and disabled people. There were also a possibility of measuring blood pressure, body mass index, body weight and body fat for the whole family.

Highlighted as a good practice:
Cross-border events linking sports, youth, education system, people with disabilities and active aging citizens have a great impact on society and promote the reach of different target groups of sport. These types of events are recommended at least once every year in each city.

Profesija: Studentas

Vieta: Miestas, Mažas kaimas

Amžius: Jaunimas, Suaugęs