VIKO remains committed to #EUEverydaySport

On 7th December 2017, in Vilnius Kolegija (VK) University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania, was held guest visit from Castrolibero Sports lyceum (Italy), organized by VK Physical education and sports center (PESC) cooperating with JSC „Eu Trade“ international organization that works in the field of higher education, transnational mobility and training through programs funded by the European Union.

14 young athletes from Castrolibero Sports lyceum visited Faculty of Business Management. They had the opportunity to get acquainted with VK higher education institution and PESC that carry out various sports activities in Lithuania and students were involved in those activities as well. PESC coach and lecturer Vilija Gerasimoviciene presented selective sports, massive city and country events like Lithuania Colleges Director‘s Conference students games, European Commission initiative to promote physical activity and to #beactive across Europe, international project „European everyday of sport“ and training course „Olympism for values education“. Also achievements of VK students athletes were represented in Olympic games, championships internationally: Ieva Serapinaite 2016 Rio Olympics 28th place winner in pentathlon, „Vilniaus Kolegija/Flamingo Volley“ team a participant in 2016/2017 m. „Credit24“ the Baltic Champions League, „Vilniaus kolegija“ students basketball team the winner of the International PCU 2015 students basketball tournament in Antwerp.

Later italians athlets were invited to participate in the traditional 3x3 basketball tournament where 11 teams competed.

Pictures from the event are available in the Facebook page of and Physical education and sports center:

Physical education and sports center coach/lecturer Vilija Gerasimoviciene